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, Агенция за недвижими имоти, Италия, Сицилия, Erice

geom. giuseppe mazzara
Агенция за недвижими имоти
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Ние говорим

The Real Estate Agency S I C I L Y I N V E S T I M E N T I & Offices o C O N S U L E N Z A IMMOBILIARE of Geom. MAZZARA Via Vespri n ^ 194 91019 VALDERICE (Trapani) Western Sicily Website: www.sicilyinvestimenti.com E-mail: info@sicilyinvestimenti.com
Cell. 3 68 69 70 24
It is an OFFICE where technicians work, who for professional knowledge and knowledge of the Real Estate Market to s s i s t o n or the Customer in the purchase, sale, construction of a house, sale or purchase of building and non-building land.
The Real Estate Consultancy Office & SICILYINVESTIMENTI Real Estate Agency proposes itself as the Office where the Client can find the technical expert who provides global advice on a series of questions and problems that he encounters when facing a Real Estate Investment.


Главен офис
Erice, Сицилия
  • Via Vespri n^ 194 91019 VALDERICE (TP)
  • +39 368 69 70 24
  • info@sicilyinvestimenti.com


  • Наем на жилищни имоти
  • Продажба на жилищни имоти
  • Строителство, развитие, инвестиционни проекти
  • Инвестиционно консултиране
  • Операции с поземлени имоти
  • Проектиране
  • Застраховане
  • Жилищно строителство
  • Ваканционни наеми


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